A look at what JSX is, what it is used for, and why it is so beneficial to ReactJS users.
JSX stands for Javascript XML and it is a very useful tool for React developers. JSX is an extension of the JavaScript language which provides a way to structure component rendering using syntax similar to HTML. JSX gives us the ability to write HTML elements in Javascript and place them in the DOM by converting the HTML tags into React elements without the need for other methods like createElement() or appendChild(). This combination of Javascript and HTML leads to having more powerful applications with boosted performance.
This JSX code snippet is an example of what it would take to output an <H1> of “This is JSX!” to your DOM using JSX syntax.
This second code snippet is an example of how to do the same exact thing as the first but without the use of JSX. As you can see, and most people would agree, the first example using JSX is much cleaner and clearer code that will be easier to read, edit, and debug when the time comes.
You can also represent multiple lines of HTML with JSX. However, there must always be one top-level element with the rest of your code nested inside
React is aware of and embraces the fact that UI logic is coupled with rendering logic when referring to things such as how the state changes over time, how the data is displayed, and how events are handled. What makes React unique and powerful is the fact that it utilizes something called separating “concerns” by coupling units inside components that contain both markup and logic, rather than putting them in separate files.
Another popular use case with JSX is its ability to provide a range of element attributes designed to mirror those provided by HTML. Custom attributes can be passed to the component and all attributes will be received by the component as props.
Also, JavaScript expressions can be used inside JSX with curly brackets {}
You may be asking yourself, how does the browser understand and read JSX? They don’t. React developers typically utilize Babel, which is a popular, free, and open-source Javascript transpiler that transforms your JSX into regular Javascript objects first before passing it to the browser. JSX is one of the many key and valuable features of React that make it such a powerful and popular tool for front-end developers.
#React #javascript #frontenddevelopment #Beginner #jsx